Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Random stuffs
Recently I've become quite addicted to online shopping sprees, thanks to the links provided by some of my friends and some of it which I somehow managed to dig out myself via search engines hahaha. Well continuous shopping is a sin, especially so when I'm trying to save up..Tsk tsk..It's ok, guess the enthusiasm will die down soon haha....
Well, was out with a fren recently and I was being asked the following questions:
- Would you mind if your bf is shorter than you?
- Would you mind if your bf has a lower education level than you?
- Would you mind if your bf has a smaller frame than you?
- Would you mind if your bf is very big in size?
And the list goes on and on....
Well of cos I mind all the above, but then again, I think if you really found that special someone whom you truly love, all the above wouldn't be an issue to you anymore. Each one of us has certain expectations towards our current or future partner, be it physically, emotionally or mentally, but when the cupid arrow hits you, I don't think one can shun away with it. Your partner may be someone who's the total opposite of what you dreamt of, but I guess your love for him/her wouldn't be any lesser just becos he/she doesn't fit your criteria of the "perfect partner". How many of us actually manage to find someone who's perfect in your eyes? Sad to say, there's no perfect person in this world, and love is loving the imperfect person perfectly, ain't it? What's more, love is blind, so imperfections of the person you love doesn't come into the picture when true love exists between a couple.
Of cos, months down a relationship, more flaws of your partner can be seen as time between you both are being shared. Well, tolerance and forgiveness towards your partner would have to be practised in this case. Think of the many scenarios of older married couples whereby one party tend to keep quiet while the other party is pointing the accusing finger. It all boils down to learning how to give and take and not take each other for granted. If the above can be practised, I'm sure all couples out there will spend every second of their time together as if it's Valentine's Day haha...
Ohh I'm crapping shit again..Nothing to do i guess haha....
CNY coming loh, shop shop shop!!!
Fingers dancing ended on 1/16/2007 10:18:00 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
At long last...
Hey folks!! It's been REALLY long since I last blogged. Well, there were some issues with the site hosting my shoutbox previously, think it closed down or something, and I can't be bothered to fix the error haha...
But as I've 3 days off thanks to the new year, I found some time for myself and some time for my abandoned blog too LOL..So as u guys can see, a new shoutbox has emerged!! But it's rather empty yeah, so ur efforts made to fill up the blank spaces would be much appreciated hehe...
Alrite, a new year again, 2007..What does it signify?? I'm older by a year arrgghhhh!! Hahaha..Ok, I've made some resolutions for myself:
1) To re-organise my life, my room and my everything
2) Pray for better results (w/o much studying of cos hehe)
3) Lose some weight (as if)
4) Wish for a better job opportunity to come along
5) Wish to find someone who truly loves me (FYI, I'm not despo for love ya, but it's nice if there's someone who's always there for u haha)
Ok, short and sweet entry..More updates to come shld there be anything interesting haha...
P.S. Counting down to payday, 10 more days hahaha!!!
Fingers dancing ended on 1/02/2007 10:07:00 PM