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Sunday, May 06, 2007
Just some crap....

Sometimes, when we look at ourselves, and look at others, we tend to wonder why aren't we as lucky as them, or look as gorgeous as they do. Well, the thing here is, we always like to compare ourselves with ppl better den us. What abt ppl less fortunate than us then?? Where do they stand??

The more ppl owns, the more they crave. Example, ppl who already look good want to look even better, and ppl who are rich would wish they were even richer. But somehow, being drop dead gorgeous and filthy rich has its variations too. How do u actually define "rich" and "gorgeous"?? Each one of us out there holds a different answer.

It's like I'm always thinking "When will my Mr. Right appear??" It has been a really long wait, and I'm thinking that no one appreciates me out there. But on 2nd tots, who cares if stupid guys out there only care abt looks?? I've got a proper job that pays ok, a happy family, and great frenz who care. All these are enuf already, and I dun need a guy to fill up the empty portion called loneliness I feel sometimes. We dun need guys in order to help us survive, ladies. So folks out there reading this entry, dun wallow in self-pity if u dun hv someone to love you as yet. When the right time comes, he will appear, and if he doesn't, just enjoy ur life with wadever frenz and family you hv and be a happy and satisfied woman doing it.

That's all for now. I dunno wad else to write. Ohh, for those who dunno, I've changed a new job, and am adapting well to it. Good luck to me!!! :)

Fingers dancing ended on 5/06/2007 10:37:00 PM

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Random stuffs

Recently I've become quite addicted to online shopping sprees, thanks to the links provided by some of my friends and some of it which I somehow managed to dig out myself via search engines hahaha. Well continuous shopping is a sin, especially so when I'm trying to save up..Tsk tsk..It's ok, guess the enthusiasm will die down soon haha....

Well, was out with a fren recently and I was being asked the following questions:

- Would you mind if your bf is shorter than you?
- Would you mind if your bf has a lower education level than you?
- Would you mind if your bf has a smaller frame than you?
- Would you mind if your bf is very big in size?

And the list goes on and on....

Well of cos I mind all the above, but then again, I think if you really found that special someone whom you truly love, all the above wouldn't be an issue to you anymore. Each one of us has certain expectations towards our current or future partner, be it physically, emotionally or mentally, but when the cupid arrow hits you, I don't think one can shun away with it. Your partner may be someone who's the total opposite of what you dreamt of, but I guess your love for him/her wouldn't be any lesser just becos he/she doesn't fit your criteria of the "perfect partner". How many of us actually manage to find someone who's perfect in your eyes? Sad to say, there's no perfect person in this world, and love is loving the imperfect person perfectly, ain't it? What's more, love is blind, so imperfections of the person you love doesn't come into the picture when true love exists between a couple.

Of cos, months down a relationship, more flaws of your partner can be seen as time between you both are being shared. Well, tolerance and forgiveness towards your partner would have to be practised in this case. Think of the many scenarios of older married couples whereby one party tend to keep quiet while the other party is pointing the accusing finger. It all boils down to learning how to give and take and not take each other for granted. If the above can be practised, I'm sure all couples out there will spend every second of their time together as if it's Valentine's Day haha...

Ohh I'm crapping shit again..Nothing to do i guess haha....

CNY coming loh, shop shop shop!!!

Fingers dancing ended on 1/16/2007 10:18:00 PM

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
At long last...

Hey folks!! It's been REALLY long since I last blogged. Well, there were some issues with the site hosting my shoutbox previously, think it closed down or something, and I can't be bothered to fix the error haha...

But as I've 3 days off thanks to the new year, I found some time for myself and some time for my abandoned blog too LOL..So as u guys can see, a new shoutbox has emerged!! But it's rather empty yeah, so ur efforts made to fill up the blank spaces would be much appreciated hehe...

Alrite, a new year again, 2007..What does it signify?? I'm older by a year arrgghhhh!! Hahaha..Ok, I've made some resolutions for myself:

1) To re-organise my life, my room and my everything
2) Pray for better results (w/o much studying of cos hehe)
3) Lose some weight (as if)
4) Wish for a better job opportunity to come along
5) Wish to find someone who truly loves me (FYI, I'm not despo for love ya, but it's nice if there's someone who's always there for u haha)

Ok, short and sweet entry..More updates to come shld there be anything interesting haha...

P.S. Counting down to payday, 10 more days hahaha!!!

Fingers dancing ended on 1/02/2007 10:07:00 PM

Monday, September 11, 2006
Updates abt Taiwan trip

I am not a shopaholic, I am not. Seriously, till now I still can't figure out where the xtra 6kg of luggage weight came from. I can swear my butt on it that I didn't buy alot of stuffs. It's merely a couple of bags, heels, jeans, a skirt, few pieces of tops, and that's abt it. Hmm...

It's also not abnormal to withdraw NT$1000 when I only need NT$21, cos NT$1000 is their minimum withdrawal amount and I don't hv a choice do I?? Folks, pls try to understand, and stop all the mocking..Haha...

But all in all, I would say Taiwan is reali a shopping paradise. Walk one round at Wu Fen Pu and you won't need to visit other places like Ximen Ding or Shi Lin Night Market already haha..Sadly to say, pics aren't up yet, cos I misplaced my memory card and the battery charger to my digital camera..I'm sorry sistas, cos it means bye bye to developing of the Phuket pics that we've been dragging since oens ago too haha..Well maybe if someone would be kind enuf to lend me their memory card, or till I manage to dig out my memory card from somewhere around my room haha..Funny that my stuffs always reappear no matter where I threw them, but somehow this time round I literally turned my room upside down and I still can't locate the battery charger and memory card..It sort of just disappeared into thin air haha...

So, I'll just have to wait for my frenz to upload their pics and I'll post the links up for all to share..I wanna go holiday again in November!! Hopefully this little wish of mine can come true..We reali need a break from sch and work and all the crap that's been happening lately, all of us haha...

That's it for now..To everyone reading my blog, take care and stay happy!!!

Fingers dancing ended on 9/11/2006 10:23:00 PM

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Controversial issues

Well, I watched "The Devil Wears Prada" yesterday and I must say it sort of stimulated my brain cells and set me thinking. Similarly to the movie "Click", "The Devil Wears Prada" addresses issues pertaining to balancing interpersonal relationships and work commitments. Tough as it seems, sometimes it is only when we lose something or someone do we start to realise that we've missed out on alot more of other things as well, and that we're actually not as happy as we were before.

Some people spend a large part of their youth trying to earn as much $$ as possible, hoping that this will help pave the way for a better life with all the luxuries when you grow older. True, living a luxury life gives you the status and confidence you yearn for, but if doing that makes you lose your loved ones and reshapes your character to someone whom you yourself can't even recognise, what's the point? If being rich cause you to lose your friends, I would rather remain a pauper and bask in the love of my friends and family.

Money can buy ANYTHING but love. This cold hard fact can't be changed. Hence, no matter how rich you are, you wouldn't be happy without your loved ones around. Though yes, money can promise a better life and new-found friends, but can you be sure those so-called "friends" are not sticking around with you bcos of your $$? Your family will always be there for you, but only friends who stick with you thru thick and thin are true friends of yours. Shunning you at times of trouble shows you how much that friend cares.

Maybe it's time for us to slow down our footsteps and look around you. Identify who are the ones who really care for you. Ask yourself if you've been treating the person with the same amount of care and concern they've shown for you. If not, there's still time for amendments. Even if your whole life falls down on you, just remember that you still have great pals who will be there for you, and you'll feel more consoled.

Fingers dancing ended on 8/26/2006 01:34:00 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

How Did I Fall In Love With You

I simply LOVE this song by BSB..Wanted to post their "live in concert" vid, but quality wise sucks..So I found this that seems quite alright..Enjoy folks!!


Remember when, we never needed each other
The best of friends like
Sister and Brother
We understood, we'd never be,

Those days are gone, and I want you so much
The night is long and I need your touch
Don't know what to say
I never meant to feel this way
Don't want to be
Alone tonight

What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?

I hear your voice
And I start to tremble
Brings back the child that, I resemble

I cannot pretend, that we can still be friends
Don't want to be,
Alone tonight



Oh I want to say this right
And it has to be tonight
Just need you to know, oh yeah
I don't want to live this life
I don't want to say goodbye
With you I wanna spend
The rest of my life


What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
Everything's changed, we never knew
How did I fall,in love ,with you?

Fingers dancing ended on 8/20/2006 05:13:00 PM

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy National Day!!!

Happy 41st birthday, my beloved Singapore!!!

Well yeah, it's National day, and instead of going out there to join in the fun, I'm like stuck at home mugging for my exams on Thurs and Fri..Hehe..What to do, this is life....

Anyway, for folks unaware, I also wanna announce that I'll be flying off to Taiwan on 1st sept..Hehehe..Omg, I can't stop thinking of what to buy in Taiwan, and the foods I'll get to try out..Ximen Ding and Shi Lin Market, here I come!!! Hahaha..Think I'm going crazy soon....

And also, I've sorted out my thoughts, I've told myself that I shall concentrate on my job and studies instead of thinking abt stupid and bo liao stuffs..U wait for love to arrive, you don't frantically search for it, as love comes to you when you least expect it..So, I shall patiently wait for my Prince Charming to arrive and sweep me off in his white horse, to his dream castle..Wahaha, read too much fairytales liao.....

Ok ok, I shall stop here for now..Going back to study liao..Will update soon abt the Taiwan trip again after my exams..Hehehe...

~ Hugz for all my friends!! ~

Fingers dancing ended on 8/09/2006 02:17:00 PM

Saturday, August 05, 2006
Things will be alright

Folks, to update u guys, I'm fine, I will squirm out of this and still emerge as the same old me, dun worry....Thanks for all the care and concern I've received these past few days, I'm reali very touched that there are those who seriously care out there...

I guess it's right to say that "Friends are for life"..Even if there are ppl who dun appreciate you out there, it's ok..Learn to accept the fact that your true friends will stay with you for better or for worse, not forgetting your own family as well..Hehe...

Wish me luck in my exams!!

P.S. It's not the end of the world yet..Enjoy life to the fullest, cos you only live once!!!

Fingers dancing ended on 8/05/2006 01:02:00 PM

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